Xiaolin Showdown Cartoon Sex

Xiaolin Showdown Porn Story: Ask Anyone Chapter 5

Xiaolin Showdown Porn Story: Ask Anyone Chapter 5

Yoko: And we’re back!

Chase: Again…

Yoko: Yes, because we are in such high demand.

Wuya: How about we STOP being in high demand?!

Yoko: Oh hell’s no!

Jack: This is fun!

Yoko: GOD!! OK, not as many questions now, but we do have a few. We will have to fill up a bit of this session with humor not really relating to anything. Like sessions 1 and 2!

Chase: Oh good Lord this will not end well!

Katnappe: I protest!

Yoko: Oh, no one likes you anyway! Your like…Mai from Avatar, no one likes her either!

Kattnappe: ..Fine. Whatever. Kimiko: Do you love Rai? If so make love with him XD- Megasean3000.

Kimiko: Of course I love Rai… wait, WHAT?!

Yoko: TOO BAD YOU HAVE TO! *locks Rai and Kimiko in a seperate room* There!

Chase: You better hope we don’t have any Kimiko questions for a while.

Yoko: I do hope. Now read someone!

Wuya: Kimiko: Was it true you had an affair with Chase?- Pseudonym Jareth.

Yoko: Oh, god. A Kimiko question… Wait, we can just ask Chase! So… Chase… Answer the question!

Chase: The answer is……….

Jack: ………..

Yoko: …………

Chase: ………………….

Clay: ……………

Omi: ……………….

Yoko: Answer already!

Chase: OK, OK, jeez! …Yes. It’s true.

Yoko: …OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chase: …Oh shut up.

Wuya: O.O

Katnappe: (O).(O)!!

Jack: X.X

Yoko: . Moving on now….

Dojo: Chase:Have you ever considered being a woman?- P.J.

Chase: ..Considered… being… a woman?! NO!!!

Yoko: *whispers* Secretly he DOES. *nods* Yeah.

Jack: *snickers*



Chase: Good.

Dojo: Oh, wait, I forgot the second part to the question…. Do you really stalk Jack?- P.J.

Chase: NO!!!!!!

Yoko: *nods again*

Chase: STOP THAT!!

Yoko: *frames an invisible box like mimes do*

Chase: Oh, being like an annoying mime eh? *rams into the invisible box* What. the. HELL?!

Jack: Another magical mime! Just like Le’Mime!

Yoko: Except I’m better than Le’Mime!!

Wuya: Katnappe: Are you a Catwoman wannabe?- P.J.

Katnappe: No I am not! But Catwoman is still awesome!

Yoko: *ties an invisible blindfold around her eyes* Rai, there’s a question you need to read!

Rai: *opens the door to grab the question and then shuts the door* Wuya: Did you seriously promise to screw Raimundo in exchange for Wu?- Jareth.

Yoko: *listening to her invisible Ipod*

Wuya: No, I didn’t… Even if I did, I was lying…

Yoko: *can’t even really hear* You just can’t remember!! Stupid old hag!

Wuya: *hits the invisible box* DARN!

Yoko: HA! Jack: Do you support Chack? You did say he was hot.. -fiddles- ~ Jareth.

Jack: ..Chack? Oh, I DEFINITELY support it!

Chase: Thank god I do NOT. Dojo: Can you change into a super hot guy?- P.J.

Dojo: No, I can’t! …And I’m slightly creeped out….

Yoko: Anyways…Omi: Are you still in love with Jack?- P.J.

Omi: Me? In love with.. Jack?! I never was, no. Definitely not, no no, never was….

Katnappe: I think SOMEONE’s in denial!

Yoko: I KNOW he’s in denial!


Yoko: *lets Clay into her invisible box*

Clay: it’s cramped in here.

Yoko: Whole Cast: Are you getting paid for this?- P.J.

Clay: I know for a fact tha’ the Xiaolin side ain’t bein’ paid for this.

Chase: Heylin isn’t being paid either. So the answer to your question would be a no, no one’s being paid.

Yoko: Rai/Kim: I see the pairing u guys consider dating?/do u guys hav ny feelins for echother?xXWindxFireXx.

Kimiko: We are dating–

Yoko: In secret.

Rai: and we do have feelings for each other–

Yoko: Considering they made love earlier.

Wuya: Clay:How come ppl dont give u as much credit as u deserve? i mean, all i ever here is of u eatn. PPL GOTTA GIVE DA COWBOY SUM RESPECT! :P- xXWindxFireXx.

Clay: I don’t know, I guess maybe it’s because they think I’m stupid.

Omi: We do not think you are stupid, it is just that I am the greatest of all Xiaolin warriors!

Chase: We think all you Xiaolin monks are stupid, nothing personal.

Yoko: Omi: Why are u so sexist?- xXWindxFireXx.

Omi: I am not sexist, I just believe that I am the greatest! Which I am!

Jack: No you aren’t!

Omi: Yes!

Jack: No!

Omi: Yes!

Jack: No!

Yoko: OK! Shut! Up!

Katnappe: Chase: Admit it…u kno u gotta thing for wuya. ;)…- xXWindxFireXx.

Chase: Ugh. Sorry if you…approve… of that *stupid* pairing, but NO I DO NOT!!

Yoko: Deni- Oh, wait. No. He really doesn’t. Sorry.
Everyone:show thelivingtunic sum respect! she n hr story rox!- xXWindxFireXx.

Chase: …Ugh.

Wuya: …Fine.

Katnappe: Whatever.

Yoko: That’s all the time we have for this session! Stay tuned!

I’m getting caught up…!

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