Xiaolin Showdown Cartoon Sex

Xiaolin Showdown Porn Story: Ask Anyone – Chapter 4

Xiaolin Showdown Porn Story: Ask Anyone – Chapter 4

Sorry I’ve been so late with this! I’ve been neglective with this chapter!

Yoko: We’re back! Again! With more questions!

Jack: Woot!

Wuya: Can we just get on with it?!

Yoko: Jeez crankpot..Ok, since Wuya is being a crankpot we are going to start with questions now!

Jack: But that’s no fun.

Yoko: I know. Anyways, first question…

Jack and Clay: Do you think if your guys had gone to school together you would have been friends, enimies, or what I call nodders who just agknowledge others with a nod?- Foxfire222.

Clay: Well, we might’ve been friends but its hard ta say. [Imagine Southern accent {hard to type like that for a long time}].

Jack: What he said.

Wuya: Phhh, I doubt it. Who’d be friends with this nerd? *means Jack*

Yoko: I would, so quiet down you PMSing witch! Jack, read the next question!

Jack: Chase: Why are you so mean to Jack when he does everything you ask and tries so hard to make you happy?- Foxfire222.

Chase: Maybe its because he’s a bumbling idiot that cannot do even the simplest thing (like scrubbing floors) without screwing it up in some way, shape or form. That and he acts queer whenever I’m around…

Yoko: *under her breath* Just who was acting queer in the last session?

Clay: Wuya: Why are you always switching between evil partners? Also, do you and Chase ever get it on since your alone all the time and he never wants to let you out of the lair?- Foxfire222.

Wuya: Because I’m the most competent evildoer like ever, so all my minions are incompetent and I can’t stand incompetent people… JACK… And me and Chase… NO! God, I wish, but no, it doesn’t happen!

Chase: Oh god, you WISH?! Night terrors! EWWWWIE!!

Yoko: ..Do villians say “Ewie”?

Chase: Well this one does!

Yoko: Someone read the next question before Chase can say ewwie again!

Chase: Ew-

Yoko: For the love of everything, someone, READ!

Rai: Kimiko: I don’t know why everyone insults your hair cause i love it. I have screen shots of each diffrent one. Just tell me what your fav color is to use in your hair?- Foxfire222.

Kimiko: I like… all colors!

Yoko: NEXT!

Katnappe: Raimundo: Why are you always picking on Omi? You should be ashamed of yourself P- Foxfire222.

Rai: I’m always picking on Omi because it’s fun and it’s easy to pick on him. OK, I’m a little ashamed but I can’t help it; it’s addictive!

Yoko: We have an addict here!! ADDICT!

Rai: Yeah, to picking on Omi!

Yoko: ADDICT!!

Dojo: How old are you really and if you were around when Dashi was small what was he like as a kid?- Foxfire222.

Dojo: Hmm.. OK, I’ve forgotten how old I am, and yes I was around when Dashi was small. He was a really good kid but he once trapped me for 3 days cause he didn’t know what I was!

Yoko: How sad.

Dojo: You bet it was!

Chase: Katnappe: Why cats? Why not something else?- Firefox222.

Katnappe: Because cats are purrrfect and the cutest things EVER!

Yoko: ..Whatev. I don’t like cats. Everyone: What animal would you most like as a pet?- Firefox222.

Omi: A turtle!

Rai: Dog.

Kimiko: Bunny!

Clay: A hog.

Katnappe: KITTY!

Chase: Lizard.

Wuya: …I don’t like animals.

Dojo: Lizard.

Jack: Hmm… a lizard!

Chase: Your just saying that because I said that!

Jack: So..?

Chase: Copycat.

Yoko: Whoa, we have more questions! Chase: I always see the Chack pairing everywhere but your not gay..ARE YOU?? O.O -GLiSt

Chase: O.O NO I AM NOT!!

Wuya: Phew.


Omi: Katnappe: Why did you turn evil?- GLiSt

Katnappe: Oh, it was just something to do.

Yoko: BORING!!

Jack: your the best person ever! Why don’t you use the wu to make your Jackbots better?- gLiSt

Jack: Why thank you! Don’t you think I’ve tried that? Any wu I get is taken from me before I can improve my Jackbots!

Chase: Except the super pointless Monkey Staff.

Rai: ..Which we all agreed you could have because it’s so pointless to the plot.

Jack: Well, what about the Mantis Flip Coin?

Rai: We need that.

Jack: No you don’t it doesn’t have a point!

Rai: Well we need it.

Yoko: Moving on…

Dojo: Kimiko: If your japanese, shouldn’t you have brown eyes?- GLiSt.

Kimiko: Not all Japanese people have brown eyes.

Jack: ..No, only 99.999999999999999999999999999999999% do.

Kimiko: Oh shut your face!

Yoko: …You need to stop hanging out with Omi.

Clay: did you get really bored on your ranch before you came to the temple?- GLiSt.

Clay: Not really, always somethin’ goin on.

Yoko: And a comment!:Everyone(including author) YOU RULE! But especially Jack :]- GLiSt.

Jack: YAY!!!

Yoko: That’s all the time we have for this session!

There you are!

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