Separated, lost, and alone from family, a stray cat is forced to unravel a long-standing mystery in order to escape from a forgotten city.
Stray, a game for cats in third person is set among the grim streets of a dying cybercity , and its dark underbelly. Explore the area, defend yourself from unwelcome threats as you unravel the mystery of the strange world of dangerous robots.
Explore the world through the eyes of a cat , and interact with the environment by playing. Keep your distance, be agile, silly, and sometimes just as obnoxious as you can to the strange inhabitants of this mysterious world.
The cat meets a tiny drone that is flying called B-12 on the way. With the help of this newly-found friend, they must find a way out.
BlueTwelve Studio is responsible for Stray’s advancement. This small group from the south of France is mostly composed of cats, but there are also humans.
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