The best way to create your MARVEL team by choosing from a selection of your favourite heroes and villains. Then, make the move. Your control is in full with MARVEL Snap, a quick-paced and thrilling strategic combat game for cards.
No more waiting around! Every game is only 3 minutes. In order to be focused on the crucial details, we remove the unnecessary.
Every match feels different.
You are able to play at more than 50 locations throughout Marvel Universe. Each location is unique and has game-changing abilities. Every week, new locations will be introduced to test your creativity and problem-solving abilities.
Are you confident of the likelihood of winning? In order to raise the stakes of any game, just “SNAP”. Even if you believe your Bluff not true, you could be rewarded twice.
I am Groot. I am Groot. I am GROOT. I am Groot? I am Groot. GROOT IS ME! I am GROOT. I am Groot?
No other game lets you make, mix and mix hundreds of hero and villain versions from the entire Marvel Universe — and more. While you might own Comic-inspired Iron Man card, do you have eight-bit and Cartoon versions? Art styles that are endless let you play with your favorite characters in completely creative ways. You do YOU!
MARVEL SNAP stays current and thrilling with brand new games, destinations, fresh cosmetics and season pass seasons, new ranked seasons New challenges, brand new missionsand activities on a regular basis.
Utilize the multiverse’s capabilities and evaluate your performance to the rest. This is MARVEL Snap! We’re looking forward to seeing you in the game.
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