Hello guys !
The demo was made using Godot Engine 3.
1- True FPS Controller that is able to climb Ledges, climb Ladders Crawl in vents, Walking on slopes, swimming .. and more.
2- Complex Inventory System, you can take objects, drop them, save them , or create new ones .. etc.
3More sophisticated AI System that has the ability to overcome one another, see, Hear, Attack the enemy, investigate, and patrol … etc.
4- Effects like Lens Flares, Minimap, CCTV Camera System and the Notes/Logs system (Playing Audio files or Videos as well as viewing images and reading text) .. And more.
5 Advanced UI System including Damage System, Game Console System, Settings System, Save and Load System, etc.
Additional features and information are included in the game.
7- Everything functions with every thing, and you’ll learn how to do it the most simple way yet like professionals.
Notice: I was not able to erase a line. Pressing “B” will cause it to hurt. It was done for purpose of testing, Sorry.
As reviewed by gwen hentai game