Far beyond the world and its small-scale wars, there exists a dimension of pure, evil magic called The Realm of Chaos. It’s a terrifying realm that’s unintelligible for the human mind. The narrator whispers of power, but to behold it is to be seduced by it. In surrendering your life to it. It’s possible to transform into it.
The place is controlled by The Four Ruinous Powers which are always looking to break their chains and submerge all of the world into an ocean of corruption. Slaanesh is the Lord of the excesses of others; Nurgle, the plague God. Tzeentch is the one who changes ways; Khorne is the God of blood, as well as slaughter.
At the border of the worlds, two great kingdoms guard the border: the fierce warriors of Kislev and the sprawling grand scale of Grand Cathay. Each has the same challenges and they each must cross the threshold to send their forces into Chaos Realm.
The entire planet is at the edge of extinction. A single push will cause it to plunge into cataclysm.
And there’s one that plans to achieve this. He is an old man who desires nothing less than to wield supreme power. He will require someone to assist him to be successful.
Everyone will be taken away by the coming conflict. Will you conquer your daemons? Oder command them.
Review by hentie flash games