Get involved in this hypercasual physics game and keep the disc balanced. It’s a chance to play with different dimensions and forms of weights and gain upgrades that assist you along the way. The gameplay is straightforward and easy to get to grips with the game. Leaderboards within the game can aid you in finding the perfect player!
The game is made much simpler with a similar hacker upgrade system. The upgrades will help you stay longer and more long into an entire round. But be ready, things really start to ramp up. Just as you feel that you’ve mastered playing the game, more weights will begin to appear. In the meantime, the rate of spawn keeps rising!
It was born in an Ludum Dare 49th game jam with the subject of “unstable”. We turned the game into an all-encompassing game once we realized how many people loved it and were eager to repeat it once more.
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