A single-player adventure game that is played by three people set within a sacred retreat in a remote island. It’s a peaceful getaway that soon transforms to dread after a group chant opens The Gloom, a psychedelic realm of terror that generates negative energy. Interact with a recurring number of characters, discover all the complexities of history on The Island, and experience horrifying revelations about the universe. Only you can be the one to defeat the creatures in the game, connect with survivors and uncover the history of the reversed ritual.
Begin to interact with the other guests of the retreat as they are slowly lost in their own negativity. While you discover the bizarre tale of this place, survive against a variety of mysterious creatures and the cultists.
You must choose your fights and fight for your survival using the power of your soul and spiritual weaponry. Gather, create and organize your assets to take your chances in close-range battle – or fall to panic and flee.
The balance is the most important thing. Your brain can be protected against fear and anxiety Protect your body from physical dangers; All you have to be able to do is raise your spirits and meditate for supernatural powers.
Awakened by the psychedelic devastation that was the 70s, you will be able to experience the beauty of a world of color and an electronic rock music composed by award-winning Paul Ruskay.
Reviewed by hentai game tsunade
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