Hiroshi must go on an business trip in Kyushu and Kyushu, which is why the whole Nohara family is deciding to go to the home of a former close friend of Misae’s Assou, Kumamoto.
The group arrives at Kumamoto Station, on their journey to Assou. The stranger gives the passengers a camera that is in bizarre condition. The stranger asks witnesses.
Shinnosuke can appreciate the mountains of Assou and the fields in the summer months by putting his camera on his feet. Shinnosuke was amazed to discover animals in the fields of Assou as well as the mountains which weren’t previously seen in Kasukabe. There are people in the towns to help and new friends to make.
Do they not look a lot like his children who are from his their home?
An evening in the summer heat, Shinnosuke sees a massive monster silhouetted against the glowing light of a full moon. In front of the beast is a man who has a a wide smile.
This strange person also handed the camera to him at his station…
He calls himself Professor Akuno. As a result of the encounter, weird things begin occurring about Assou…
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