Kao The Kangaroo Kao The Kangaroo an 3D platformer by veteran of the genre Tate Multimedia, featuring a sweet, cheeky, and plucky charming Kao The Kangaroo (Hey, similar to the title!) seeking to discover the truth around the disappearance from his father.
Kao’s quest will take Kao to many stunning environments, each of which holds secret. Kao is bound to encounter different challenges with each stop. Kao must use all his strengths and gain new techniques. There are many different skills that are necessary to the environment that he lives in. It’s not about where we’ll end up, but how we get there.
Being inspired by the heyday of 3D platformers as well as building on Kao’s 21-year legacy, Kao The Kangaroo is filled with lots of jumps and thumping, solving puzzles, and collecting. The game is a completely new experience that is full of the fun and charm that you’d expect from this kind of game.
Kao’s gorgeous and vibrant world is filled with an array of colourful characters who are just waiting to be met by these characters… at times, in certain instances (try to) take them down! The group in Kao The Kangaroo includes wise-mentors and enthusiastic inventors as well as big bullies.
When he embarks on his quest, Kao must overcome various opponents. Quick and nimble strikers, slower and lumbering brutes and all the rest. Kao must apply every single lesson he’s learnt to defeat those who stand before him…
Kao’s strange, mysterious, and deep-buried gloves contain potential that’s yet to be fully unleashed. They’ll become a vital tool on Kao’s path, helping to ward off foes and traverse the world. The power of their abilities will never be understood completely? Kao is eager to learn.
Discover a variety of Unique and beautiful interactive worlds that are full of new challenges opponents, puzzles, as well as hidden secrets! Jump, climb, dive and ride your way through highly detailed environments as Kao continues on his quest!
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