Beacon Pines, a creepy and adorable adventure which is set within a mystery book . It’s called. Both Luka, the main character of the novel, and your role is that of the readers.
Strange things are happening in the old warehouse and Luka and his comrades appear as if they are the sole people to take notice. Sneak out late, make new friends, unravel the secrets, and find details that may alter destiny!
While helping Luka to investigate the mysterious happenings in Beacon Pines, you’ll collect unique golden charms having a single word inscribed upon it. The charms are used to mark certain points of turning in the story to create a new word , and dramatically alter the story that follows.
The Chronicle is an interactive tale tree that grows and branches along with your progress as a reader. There are new facets to discover in the course of exploring one story. This lets you to switch between completely different tales to uncover the secrets at the base of Beacon Pines.
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